About Me

11216586_10207837959498053_3593168737797009232_n.jpgWhen I’m not on vacation, I’m dreaming about the next one. I can’t recall a time where I didn’t travel – as a kid who grew up in Hawaii, we flew to Minnesota at least once a year. I recall with fond memories our first family road trip from Minnesota to California in a VW pop-up van, camping and exploring national parks along the way. In high school, I was forever changed by snow-covered mountains when I skied in Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming. And as a college student, the travel bug bit me hard when I spent a semester studying in England and traveled Europe for a month with a couple of my closest friends.

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The Liebster Award – I’ve Been Nominated!

Copy of bucket list

While I’ve been trying to figure out this blogging thing, I’ve been reading a lot of other blogs – specifically those related to travel, food, and parenting. I also read blogs about blogging. Recently, I was nominated for a Liebster Award. Go me!

The Liebster Award is recognition to new bloggers by other bloggers for enjoying or valuing their work. It’s main aim is to help highlight new voices and pay the compliment forward to others – kind of like a virtual chain letter combined with an online high-five.

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